160 research outputs found

    Aportaciones del Proyecto Votescript a los Esquemas Tradicionales de Voto Electrónico.

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    This paper hallmarks the most relevant contributions carried out by the authors in the VOTESCRIPT project (TIC2000-1630-C02). The main goal of this project was the analysis, definition and implementation of a system which copes with every phases and elements existing in a process of electronic voting using computer networks. A summary of the main criticisms of electronic voting is presented to disclose that the most relevant voting schemes only take into account a technological perspective, just trying to imitate the conventional voting schemes. Nevertheless in these proposals important aspects such individual and global verification are not properly undertaken. The paper includes the proposed solutions of the project to solve these mentioned problems

    Estudio de la colaboración hispano-mexicana en Information Science & Library Science a través de mapas basados en datos bibliográficos

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    La producción científica a nivel mundial crece cada año. Cada día surgen nuevas revistas científicas, se publican nuevos artículos, se conforman nuevos congresos, seminarios o coloquios, etc.; y de momento esto es algo que sigue al alza. Uno de los factores determinantes para entender este aumento exponencial en lo que a producción científica se refiere, es la colaboración internacional. Este tipo de colaboración es algo que se ha demostrado beneficioso y necesario para la ciencia misma, ya que permite una interconexión constante entre pensamientos e ideas, acercándonos a su vez más a un nuevo tipo de sociedad que puede complementar a la del conocimiento o incluso suponer una evolución de la misma. Concretamente, en este trabajo vamos a estudiar una colaboración internacional muy específica en un área muy determinada. Nos marcamos como objetivo del mismo estudiar la producción científica que se realiza en el área de las Ciencias de la Información y la Documentación, y que cuenta con colaboración hispano-mexicana haciendo, por un lado, un análisis de las tendencias de investigación hispano-mexicanas en Ciencias de la Información y la Documentación a través de las palabras claves; y por otro lado, identificando patrones de colaboración entre España y México, en nuestra categoría objeto de estudio, tanto a nivel de autor como de institución y país

    Planteamientos sobre Sistemas de Voto y Democracia Electrónica.

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    This paper present a preliminary analysis of electronic voting schemes and the requirements of Electronic Democracy as a part of the work carried out by the authors in the VOTESCRIPT project (TIC2000-1630-C02). A summary of the most relevant experiences on this field are discussed and a basic classification of them is pointed out, according to different degrees on process computerization. As it is shown, most of them only take into account a technological perspective, just trying to imitate the conventional voting schemes. A citizen-base bottom-up perspective is proposed to analyze the implementation of electronic voting systems in order to avoid citizen rejection. The paper also hallmarks the new technical possibilities created to be applied to the development of citizen?s right realm. Further than conventional voting schemes, the paper proposes the use of advanced security services to extend conceptualization of Electronic Democracy in which citizens have a key role on decision making processes

    Propuesta de arquitectura para una plataforma telemática de Democracia Digital

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    En los últimos años los sistemas de Democracia Digital se vislumbran como aquellos que pueden proporcionar un cauce de participación ciudadana para la toma de decisiones mediante el empleo de plataformas telemáticas. Estas plataformas permitirían a los ciudadanos participar en debates y expresar su opinión sobre los temas que les atañen, con el objetivo de que puedan influir en la decisión final adoptada. En este artículo se presenta una propuesta de plataforma de Democracia Digital configurable y extensible para permitir su empleo en distintos escenarios de participación ciudadana a través de Internet. Se presenta una visión arquitectural de los elementos que componen la plataforma, identificando qué servicios deberían ser proporcionados intrínsecamente por cualquier plataforma de Democracia Digital y cuales podrían ser proporcionados por proveedores externos. Por último se plantea un posible entorno de implementación y uso de la plataforma propuesta

    Use of Java Cards in a telematic voting system.

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    This paper presents a general view of the telematic voting system developed by its authors, with a special emphasis on the important role that smart cards play in this scenario. The use of smart cards as basic pieces for providing secure cryptographic operations in this type of voting scheme is justified. The differences and advantages of Java Cards in comparison with the ?classical? smart cards (those that completely conform to the ISO/IEC 7816 standard) are also discussed. As an example, the paper describes one of the applets implemented in the voting Java Card as part of the general telematic voting application

    Diseño de un sistema avanzado de democracia digital garante de la libertad de expresión

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    En este artículo se presenta el diseño de un sistema avanzado de democracia digital, con énfasis en la protección a la libertad de expresión de los ciudadanos, ofrecida mediante el empleo de tarjetas inteligentes y mecanismos avanzados de seguridad. Se regulan los procedimientos de obtención de alias para conseguir la participación anónima de quien lo desee, garantizando que con su uso se oculta la identidad real del usuario (incluso al propio sistema), asegurando, en todos los casos, que únicamente las personas autorizadas pueden participar en el foro correspondiente y proporcionando garantía de integridad de la información, tanto en tránsito como almacenada. Asimismo, los ciudadanos disponen de pruebas criptográficas robustas que les permiten evidenciar cualquier funcionamiento anómalo del sistema que pudiera desembocar en la destrucción o modificación de opiniones y en la consiguiente alteración de las conclusiones o resultados de la participación

    Votación electrónica basada en criptografía avanzada (Proyecto VOTESCRIPT).

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    Esta ponencia presenta un visión global de un esquema de voto electrónico desarrollado dentro del proyecto VOTESCRIPT, auspiciado por el ministerio español de Ciencia y Tecnología (TIC2000-1630-C02). En primer lugar se realiza una tipificación de los sistemas que pueden considerarse de votación electrónica, para analizar, a continuación, los sistemas más relevantes que se apoyan en criptografía avanzada y redes telemáticas. Se comenta el proceso de investigación multidisciplinar seguido para la determinación de los requisitos que debe cumplir el sistema de votación y se describe, de forma somera, las principales características del sistema desarrollado y su comportamiento global

    Effects of an android app on mechanical engineering students

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    This paper describes the development and assessment of a Native Android App for learning concepts related with Mechanical Engineering. The designed App, called MaqTest, is an interactive, easy to use and portable tool. The proposed application has been programmed with Android Studio, and it is presented as an executable file accessible for smartphones and tablets. It allows the student to auto-evaluate the conceptual understandings, increasing their level of knowledge and enhancing their academic results. The app has been test with students of the 3rd course of Mechanical Engineering Degree in the subject “Mechanism and Machine Theory.” Comparative results before and after using the app are presented. The assessment results show that there has been a significant improvement

    VOTESCRIPT: Telematic voting system designed to enable final count verification

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    In this paper we present a global description of a telematic voting system based on advanced cryptography and on the use of smart cards (VOTESCRIPT system) whose most outstanding characteristic is the ability to verify that the tally carried out by the system is correct, meaning that the results published by the system correspond with votes cast. The VOTESCRIPT system provides an individual verification mechanism allowing each Voter to confirm whether his vote has been correctly counted. The innovation with respect to other solutions lies in the fact that the verification process is private so that Voters have no way of proving what they voted in the presence of a non-authorized third party. Vote buying and selling or any other kind of extortion are prevented. The existence of the Intervention Systems allows the whole electoral process to be controlled by groups of citizens or authorized candidatures. In addition to this the system can simply make an audit not only of the final results, but also of the whole process. Global verification provides the Scrutineers with robust cryptographic evidence which enables unequivocal proof if the system has operated in a fraudulent way

    Assessing the Emergence of Resistance: The Absence of Biological Cost In Vivo May Compromise Fosfomycin Treatments for P. aeruginosa Infections

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    BACKGROUND: Fosfomycin is a cell wall inhibitor used efficiently to treat uncomplicated urinary tract and gastrointestinal infections. A very convenient feature of fosfomycin, among others, is that although the expected frequency of resistant mutants is high, the biological cost associated with mutation impedes an effective growth rate, and bacteria cannot offset the obstacles posed by host defenses or compete with sensitive bacteria. Due to the current scarcity of new antibiotics, fosfomycin has been proposed as an alternative treatment for other infections caused by a wide variety of bacteria, particularly Pseudomonas aeruginosa. However, whether fosfomycin resistance in P. aeruginosa provides a fitness cost still remains unknown. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We herein present experimental evidence to show that fosfomycin resistance cannot only emerge easily during treatment, but that it is also cost-free for P. aeruginosa. We also tested if, as has been reported for other species such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus mirabilis, fosfomycin resistant strains are somewhat compromised in their virulence. As concerns colonization, persistence, lung damage, and lethality, we found no differences between the fosfomycin resistant mutant and its sensitive parental strain. The probability of acquisition in vitro of resistance to the combination of fosfomycin with other antibiotics (tobramycin and imipenem) has also been studied. While the combination of fosfomycin with tobramycin makes improbable the emergence of resistance to both antibiotics when administered together, the combination of fosfomycin plus imipenem does not avoid the appearance of mutants resistant to both antibiotics. CONCLUSIONS: We have reached the conclusion that the use of fosfomycin for P. aeruginosa infections, even in combined therapy, might not be as promising as expected. This study should encourage the scientific community to assess the in vivo cost of resistance for specific antibiotic-bacterial species combinations, and therefore avoid reaching universal conclusions from single model organisms